Batang Malaya Child Labor Knowledge
Sharing System (CLKSS)
The Batang Malaya Child Labor Knowledge Sharing System (CLKSS) website serves as a knowledge sharing platform that integrates and facilitates knowledge exchange on all information on child labor and concerted efforts and initiatives of the National Council Against Child Labor and its partners against child labor.
Specifically, it aims to achieve the following:
• Provide a functional and user-friendly platform for:
- raising greater awareness on the chid labor situation in the country
- sharing information and getting public support on the different programs, projects, and activities of the NCACL and its social partners to address child labor.
- relaying updates on accomplishments and regard to the Philippine Program Against Child Labor and the Batang Malaya Campaign.
• Enable integration of quad-media features and updates on child labor in the country
• Encourage reporting of child labor incidents through an enhanced reporting module